Let’s Build Your Career!
Career Coaching ~ Résumé Writing ~ DISC Assessments
Résumé & Correspondence WritinG
Does your résumé reflect the best you? Do you need a cover letter tailored for a certain position; a thank you letter to send to interviewers; or a follow-up or acceptance letter? My Career Construction® can help!
Career & Education CoachinG
Are you interested in attending a higher education institution, joining a professional organization, or working in a certain career field, but don’t know where to begin? If you want to obtain certifications or advanced degrees, we offer our clients step-by-step coaching to ease the process. My Career Construction® can help!
Interview TraininG
Your résumé looks great and you have been contacted for an interview…are you prepared? We offer interview training for various levels of employment in various settings. Learn everything from what to wear to how to answer those dreadful, caught-off-guard questions. My Career Construction® can help!
Want a better understanding of your strengths and how they can benefit your work? DISC Assessments reveal your unique personal strengths and potential limitations while also highlighting a list of interpersonal strengths and the value those strengths bring to an organization. Research indicates this information increases a person's self-understanding and job satisfaction while opening their mind to appropriate job possibilities. Would you like an individual or group assessment? My Career Construction® can help!
Job & Employee Search
Do you need assistance finding employment, internships, or volunteer opportunities? Do you need to fill a position with a qualified candidate? My Career Construction® can help!
Professional Portfolio
Do you have talents and expertise, but do not quite know how to display them? My Career Construction® can help!